Email delivery notifications can be customized to align with your branding and communication needs. This guide will walk you through how to configure your email template.

Edit the email template

To adjust the visual presentation and branding of your email notifications:

  1. In the Crossmint Console, click on Settings, and navigate to the Branding tab.
  2. Select Deliver NFT via email from the dropdown options.
  3. Here, you can customize:
    • The logo displayed in the email with your logo. This will default to Crossmint’s logo, unless specified otherwise.
    • The main button’s color . This will default to #04AA6D (Crossmint’s green).
    • The display name textbox to include your brand’s name. This will be empty, by default.

As you make adjustments, you can preview the changes. Once satisfied, save your changes and now they will apply to all future minting email notifications, related to this project. Emails now reflect your project’s brand identity while providing essential delivery information to recipients.

Enable email delivery

You should make sure email delivery notifications are enabled for the customized email to reach your users. For new projects created after Sep 16,2024, the “deliveryNotification” parameter is set to true by default, meaning mint recipients will automatically receive email notifications.

For legacy projects, created before Sep 16 2024, “deliveryNotification” is set to false until March 14, 2025. If you choose so, you can enable email notifications for legacy projects by explicitly turning the feature on via API or via the Console.


To send email notifications to NFT recipients:

  1. Navigate to an unminted NFT part of a Collection in the Crossmint Console.
  2. Click on the more options button and select Mint & send NFT.
  3. Ensure the Notify recipient via email option is selected.
  4. Enter the recipient’s email address and press Mint.

The recipient will receive an email delivery notification for their newly minted NFT.


To do the same programmatically, you can configure two new parameters:

  1. deliveryNotification (boolean): Determines whether the recipient will receive an email notification.
    • Default value: true for new projects created after Sep 16, 2024.
    • For legacy projects (created before Sep 16, 2024), this feature will default to false until March 14, 2025, unless explicitly set to true.
  2. locale (string): Specifies the language for the email content. Default is en-US for English. We support all locales (i.e. “es-ES” for Spanish).