The easiest way to get started with selling or airdropping NFTs is to use the developer console to deploy and manage your NFT contracts.

Create a Crossmint NFT Collection

This guide will deploy an ERC-721 contract on the Polygon Amoy testnet. Currently, you can also deploy to the mainnets and testsnets for Polygon, Base, Optimism, and Solana directly from the console. Additional chains are supported when deploying via the create-collection API.


Navigate to Collections and click `New collection`


Enter Collection Information

This information is displayed in the NFT Checkout Pay Button, Storefront, and Claims page. You can edit it later.


Select `Create a new contract` option


Select `Sell NFTs` option

You can select both options if you want to sell NFTs and also allow users to claim them for free. If you want to use this collection exclusively with the Minting Tools, select the Airdrop NFTs option only.


Select preferred Blockchain

Crossmint has staging and production environments to facilitate working in testnets or mainnets.

When creating a new collection on production you’ll need some API credits to cover the gas cost of contract deployment.

Configure Payment Settings

NFT Price

Enter the price you want to charge for your NFT. When using the staging environment, please set very low test prices to help use preserve our testnet currency. Everything works the same in staging and production, so you can test your collection with low prices in staging and then deploy to production with higher prices. There is a $1500 default limit per transaction in production. You can find more information if you need to increase this limit.


Several chains support USDC for the currency. This option is useful for price stability and to receive payouts in a stable token. You can find more info on configuring USDC here.

Fee Sponsorship

This option enables you to control who pays the fees of the NFT purchase including gas and credit card transaction fees. The default option is “Buyer”, which means that if you set a price of 10 USDC, the final price the buyer pays will be 10 USDC plus fees.

If you want to provide a consistent price for your customers, select the “You” option to sponsor the fees. When you sponsor the fees they will be deducted from the amount the buyer pays and the remainder will be paid to the recipient wallet you set in the next step.

Recipient Address

Enter the wallet address where you want to receive payments. This is the address where Crossmint will send the proceeds from NFT sales.

Want to split payments across multiple addresses? Use a address as the payout recipient.


Review details and click `Deploy contract` to complete

Make sure you review the Content policy. When launching in production you’ll need to submit collection verification information to ensure your collection is compliant with our Content Policy. You can find more information about everything required for your production launch in the Production Launch section.

Adding NFTs

This is required before you can sell or airdrop the NFTs. Without this step there is not any actual information to use for creating the NFTs yet. You can create unique NFT metadata per token or an Open Edition style NFT where all tokens share the same metadata.

Send a Test NFT

Once you have added metadata you can send a test NFT to yourself or another user. The interface to mint and send from the console supports email and wallet address for the recipient.


Mint and send a test NFT

You can mint and send a test NFT to an email address or wallet to make sure everything is working as expected.


Enter email or wallet

If you enter an email address the NFT will be sent to a unique Crossmint custodial wallet associated with that email address. The owner of this email can log in to Crossmint to view their NFT. The wallet option will send directly to the wallet address.

Crossmint does not send an email to the user when you airdrop NFTs from the console.


That’s all there is to it. Check below for recommended next steps.

Next steps

Integrate the Crossmint SDK to start selling from your website. You can do this in three ways:

  1. EASY: Use the Storefront to start accepting payments without writing any code.
  2. MID: Add a Pay Button into your existing website or app. This button opens a Crossmint branded checkout flow, in a pop-up or new tab.
  3. ADVANCED: Craft an Embedded NFT Checkout with custom UI into your website or app.
  1. If you selected the Airdrop NFTs option when deploying your collection you should checkout the No Code Claims Page to learn how to enable a claims page for your collection.