The headless checkout includes status codes for multiple aspects of the checkout process. This approach enables you to build detailed user experiences that inform about the status of the payment process and delivery of the NFT distinctly.

Order Status

Upon creating an order via the Create Order API you’ll receive a response object containing details about the request and the various status codes associated with it. The general outline of the response object is:

    "order": {
        "orderId": "UUID",
        "status": "top level order status",
        "lineItems": [
                // some properties removed for brevity
                "quote": {
                    "status": "quote status"
                "delivery": {
                    "status": "delivery status of this specific item in the order"
        "payment": {
            "status": "payment specific status"

The order.status Options

This top level status reveals the most up to date sub status. These values are still reported within the sub-properties because it’s possible for there to be two relevant status values. For example, the payment status may be `

quote:all-line-items-unavailable quote:expired quote:requires-physical-address - Order requires a physical shipping address. During this status, payment.preparation parameters will not be present. See Physical Good Purchases guide for details.

payment:requires-recipient payment:requires-crypto-payer-address payment:awaiting-payment payment:failed payment:in-progress payment:completed

delivery:in-progress delivery:failed delivery:completed