Managing Projects

A project is a group of NFT collections, user wallets, API keys, billing information, and more.

If you are working with different teams or clients, you can create different projects to seggregate sensitive information and tool access. Alternatively, you can issue different API keys within the same project, but bear in mind they will share the same billing account.

Every developer account automatically includes a project named Default Project. You can create new projects and alternate between them using the selector within the console, as illustrated in the screenshot below.

Privacy Policy

Projects have an option to register a link to your company’s privacy policy. If set, this link will be shown to your users when they’re using any Crossmint-managed user interface, such as the NFT checkout, where user information is collected. A privacy policy is required by law if you want to later those users’ personally identifiable information, such as their email address.

If you don’t already have a privacy policy, you can generate and host one using tools like Termly.

Note: Failure to add a privacy policy will result in email addresses being hidden.

Cases Requiring a Privacy Policy to Access User Data

Use CasePrivacy Policy Required
NFT Checkout (payment button)Yes
NFT Checkout (embedded checkout)Yes
NFT Checkout (headless checkout)No
Mint API or consoleNo
Wallet APIs or consoleNo

Steps to Add a Privacy Policy Link

  1. *Go to the General Settings tab

    • Access the Settings page from the sidear.
  2. Include the Privacy Policy Link

  • In the project settings, locate the section for adding a privacy policy.
  • Paste the URL of your privacy policy generated from Termly or any other source.
  1. Verify Email Visibility
    • After adding the privacy policy link, check to ensure that email addresses are now visible.
    • If the link is not included, emails will remain hidden to protect user data.

Following these steps will ensure compliance with data protection laws and enable the visibility of email addresses in your project settings.