The Headless NFT Checkout suite of APIs offers the most sophisticated tooling available to build fully custom experiences for your users. This guide will walk you through the entire integration process in a logical order. The first step is to take a few minutes to plan out your solution.

Client or Server Approach

Depending on how your application is architected, you may want to use server-side or client-side API keys. Check out the client or server guide for more info.

Decide on Payment Methods

The Headless NFT Checkout supports cross-chain crypto payments and credit cards. Decide if you want to enable both credit card and crypto payments, and which cross-chain tokens should be available.

Cross-Chain Payments

Enable your users to pay for NFTs directly with crypto or with liquidity they have available on other chains by leveraging the cross-chain payments support.

Check the cross-chain payments section for more in-depth guidance.

Credit Card Payments

You can also use headless checkout to initiate credit card orders for your buyers.

Check the credit card payments section for more in-depth guidance.

Staging or Production

In most cases, it makes sense to start the integration process in the staging environment where all features are available and free to try. You can find more information about Staging and Production environments here.

Headless checkout requires enablement by the Customer Success Engineering team in production. Contact Sales if your don’t already have a CSE assigned.

Create or Import Your Collection in the Console

You will need to have a collection that your user’s can purchase NFTs from. You can deploy a collection directly from the Crossmint Developer Console or import a contract you’ve deployed elsewhere. Check these guides for more details on creating or importing collections.

Once you have a collection created or imported, you’ll have a collectionId, which is necessary to create orders.

Create Your API Key

With the above steps completed, you’re ready to create an API key to use for your project.

  1. Login to the developer console where your collection was created in the previous step
  2. If you’re on the collection detail view, navigate back to the home page of the console
    how to get back to home page
  3. Click the “Integrate” tab and select the “API Keys” section on top

Before creating an API key, you’ll need to decide on server-side vs client-side implementation. You can find some more info in the Client or Server Guide.

Next Steps

You’re ready to move on to implementing the Headless Checkout in your application!