Rate limits prevent individual users from clogging the network. If a limit is exceeded, Crossmint will respond with HTTP 429 and require a brief waiting period before making additional requests.

Contact us if you need higher rate limits.

Base Limits

Method(s)Rate Limit
POST120 requests per minute per project
PUTSame as above
PATCHSame as above
DELETESame as above
GET360 requests per minute per project


APIRouteMethodRate Limit
Mint NFT/api/2022-06-09/collections/{collectionId}/nftsPOST600 req/min/project
Mint NFT (Idempotent)/api/2022-06-09/collections/{collectionId}/nfts/{nftName}PUT600 req/min/project
Collection Info/api/2022-06-09/collections/{collectionId}GET600 req/min/project
Mint Status/api/2022-06-09/collections/{collectionId}/nfts/{id}GET600 req/min/project